Homological Algebra for Superalgebras of Differentiable Functions

D.J. Carchedi, D. Roytenberg

    Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


    This is the second in a series of papers laying the foundations for a differential graded approach to derived differential geometry (and other geometries in characteristic zero). In this paper, we extend the classical notion of a dg-algebra to define, in particular, the notion of a differential graded algebra in the world of C-infinity rings. The opposite of the category of differential graded C-infinity algebras contains the category of differential graded manifolds as a full subcategory. More generally, this notion of differential graded algebra makes sense for algebras over any (super) Fermat theory, and hence one also arrives at the definition of a differential graded algebra appropriate for the study of derived real and complex analytic manifolds and other variants. We go on to show that, for any super Fermat theory S which admits integration, a concept we define and show is satisfied by all important examples, the category of differential graded S-algebras supports a Quillen model structure naturally extending the classical one on differential graded algebras, both in the bounded and unbounded case (as well as differential algebras with no grading). Finally, we show that, under the same assumptions, any of these categories of differential graded S-algebras have a simplicial enrichment, compatible in a suitable sense with the model structure.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages62
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • homotopy
    • differential graded
    • derived manifold


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