Homoclinic orbits embedded in one-dimensional invariant manifolds of maps

Niels Neirynck, Willy Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, Hil Meijer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


We describe new methods for initializing the computation of homoclinic orbits for maps in a state space with arbitrary
dimension and for detecting their bifurcations. The initialization methods build on known and improved methods for computing onedimensional
stable and unstable manifolds. The methods are implemented in MatcontM, a freely available toolbox in Matlab for
numerical analysis of bifurcations of fixed points, periodic orbits and connecting orbits of smooth nonlinear maps. The bifurcation
analysis of homoclinic connections under variation of one parameter is based on continuation methods and allows to detect all known
codimension 1 and 2 bifurcations in 3D maps, including tangencies and generalized tangencies. MatcontM provides a graphical user
interface, enabling interactive control for all computations. As the prime new feature we discuss an algorithm for initializing connecting orbits in the important special case where either the stable or unstable manifold is one-dimensional, allowing to compute all homoclinic orbits to saddle points in three-dimensional maps.
We illustrate this algorithm in the study of the adaptive control map, a 3D map introduced in 1991 by Frouzakis, Adomaitis and Kevrekidis, to obtain a rather complete bifurcation diagram of the resonance horn in a 1:5 Neimark-Sacker bifurcation point, revealing new features.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference
EditorsGábor Stépán, Gábor Csernák
Place of PublicationBudapest
PublisherCongressLIne Ltd.
Number of pages2
ISBN (Electronic)978-963-12-9168-1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - Budapest University of Technology end Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 25 Jun 201730 Jun 2017
Conference number: 9


Conference9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference
Abbreviated titleENOC 2017


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