Hoe waarderen Nederlanders boerennatuur?

Translated title of the contribution: How do Dutch citizens appreciate nature in agricultural landscapes?

H. A.C. Runhaar*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Door intensivering en schaalvergroting in de landbouw is de ruimte voor natuur op het platteland flink afgenomen en is het landschap eentoniger geworden. We weten eigenlijk heel weinig van wat de Nederlandse bevolking daarvan vindt, terwijl maatschappelijke steun cruciaal is voor initiatieven om biodiversiteit te vergroten, zowel publiek als privaat. In dit artikel verken ik hoe belangrijk natuur op het platteland wordt gevonden en hoe de waardering van boerennatuur kan worden versterkt.

Species richness and abundance in Dutch agricultural landscapes has substantially declined due to agricultural intensification and scale enlargement. As a consequence, less space has become available for nature. Also, agricultural landscapes have become more monotonous. Relatively little is known about how the Dutch population experiences these developments. This is problematic because societal support is crucial for public and private initiatives to enhance agricultural biodiver-sity. In this paper I evaluate how important agricultural biodiversity is for three categories of Dutch citizens (stu-dents, environmental professionals and nature lovers), what explains these valuations and how the appreciation of agricultural biodiversity can be enhanced via the provision of information, delivered via short movies.

Translated title of the contributionHow do Dutch citizens appreciate nature in agricultural landscapes?
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)11-19
Number of pages10
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • Agriculture
  • Behavior
  • Biodiversity
  • Citizen
  • Valuation


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