Highly Efficient IR to NIR Upconversion in Gd2O2S: Er3+ for Photovoltaic Applications

R. Martin Rodriguez, S. Fischer, A. Ivaturi, B. Froehlich, K.W. Krämer, J.C. Goldschmidt, B.S. Richards, A. Meijerink

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Upconversion (UC) is a promising option to enhance the efficiency of solar cells by conversion of sub-bandgap infrared photons to higher energy photons that can be utilized by the solar cell. The UC quantum yield is a key parameter for a successful application. Here the UC luminescence properties of Er3+-doped Gd2O2S are investigated by means of luminescence spectroscopy, quantum yield measurements, and excited state dynamics experiments. Excitation into the maximum of the 4I15/2 → 4I13/2 Er3+ absorption band around 1500 nm induces very efficient UC emission from different Er3+ excited states with energies above the silicon bandgap, in particular, the emission originating from the 4I11/2 state around 1000 nm. Concentration dependent studies reveal that the highest UC quantum yield is realized for a 10% Er3+-doping concentration. The UC luminescence is compared to the well-known Er3+-doped β-NaYF4 UC material for which the highest UC quantum yield has been reported for 25% Er3+. The UC internal quantum yields were measured in this work for Gd2O2S: 10%Er3+ and β-NaYF4: 25%Er3+ to be 12 ± 1% and 8.9 ± 0.7%, respectively, under monochromatic excitation around 1500 nm at a power of 700 W/m2. The UC quantum yield reported here for Gd2O2S: 10%Er3+ is the highest value achieved so far under monochromatic excitation into the 4I13/2 Er3+ level. Power dependence and lifetime measurements were performed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the efficient UC luminescence. We show that the main process yielding 4I11/2 UC emission is energy transfer UC.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1912-1921
Number of pages10
JournalChemistry of Materials
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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