High-pressure homogenization treatment to recover bioactive compounds from tomato peels

Slaven Jurić, Giovanna Ferrari, Krassimir P. Velikov*, Francesco Donsì*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


By-products of tomato processing are rich in bioactive compounds and their recovery might bring significant economic and environmental benefits. High-pressure homogenization (HPH) (1–10 passes at 100 MPa) was used as a disruption method to recover valuable compounds from tomato peels, using solely water as process medium. Micronization of tomato peels suspensions by HPH reduced their size distribution below the visual detection limit, because of the complete disruption of individual plant cells. With respect to high-shear mixing (5 min at 20000 rpm), HPH processing (10 passes) caused an increased release of intracellular compounds, such as proteins (+70.5%), and polyphenols (+32.2%) with a corresponding increase in antioxidant activity (+23.3%) and reduction in oil-water interfacial tension (−15.0%). Remarkably, also the release of water-insoluble lycopene in the aqueous supernatant increased, enabling the recovery of up to 56.1% of the initial peel content, well above what reported in the literature when using organic solvents or supercritical CO2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)170-180
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Food Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation with the project “High voltage discharges for green solvent extraction of bioactive compounds from Mediterranean herbs” (IP-2016-06-1913), and by the ERA-NET ARIMNet2 Call 2016 with the project “Valorization of Industrial fruits by-products and algae biomass waste: Development of Active Coatings to extend Food shelf life and reduce food losses - VIPACFood (2017–2020)”.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd


This work was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation with the project “High voltage discharges for green solvent extraction of bioactive compounds from Mediterranean herbs” (IP-2016-06-1913), and by the ERA-NET ARIMNet2 Call 2016 with the project “Valorization of Industrial fruits by-products and algae biomass waste: Development of Active Coatings to extend Food shelf life and reduce food losses - VIPACFood (2017–2020)”.


  • Agro-food by-products
  • Bioactive compounds
  • High-pressure homogenization
  • Lycopene
  • Natural functional ingredients
  • Tomato peels


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