High Job Demands, Still Engaged and Not Burned Out? The Role of Job Crafting

Jari J. Hakanen*, Piia Seppälä, Maria C W Peeters

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Purpose: Traditionally, employee well-being has been considered as resulting from decent working conditions arranged by the organization. Much less is known about whether employees themselves can make self-initiated changes to their work, i.e., craft their jobs, in order to stay well, even in highly demanding work situations. The aim of this study was to use the job demands-resources (JD-R model) to investigate whether job crafting buffers the negative impacts of four types of job demands (workload, emotional dissonance, work contents, and physical demands) on burnout and work engagement. Method: A questionnaire study was designed to examine the buffering role of job crafting among 470 Finnish dentists. Results: All in all, 11 out of 16 possible interaction effects of job demands and job crafting on employee well-being were significant. Job crafting particularly buffered the negative effects of job demands on burnout (7/8 significant interactions) and to a somewhat lesser extent also on work engagement (4/8 significant interactions). Applying job crafting techniques appeared to be particularly effective in mitigating the negative effects of quantitative workload (4/4 significant interactions). Conclusion: By demonstrating that job crafting can also buffer the negative impacts of high job demands on employee well-being, this study contributed to the JD-R model as it suggests that job crafting may even be possible under high work demands, and not only in resourceful jobs, as most previous studies have indicated. In addition to the top-down initiatives for improving employee well-being, bottom-up approaches such as job crafting may also be efficient in preventing burnout and enhancing work engagement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)613-627
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2017


  • Burnout
  • Dentists
  • Job crafting
  • Job demands-resources model
  • Work engagement


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