Hierarchical self-organizing maps for clustering spatiotemporal data

J. Hagenauer, M. Helbich

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Spatial sciences are confronted with increasing amounts of high-dimensional data. These data commonly exhibit spatial and temporal dimensions. To explore, extract, and generalize inherent patterns in large spatiotemporal data sets, clustering algorithms are indispensable. These clustering algorithms must account for the distinct special properties of space and time to outline meaningful clusters in such data sets. Therefore, this research develops a hierarchical method based on self-organizing maps. The hierarchical architecture permits independent modeling of spatial and temporal dependence. To exemplify the utility of the method, this research uses an artificial data set and a socio-economic data set of the Ostregion, Austria, from the years 1961 to 2001. The results for the artificial data set demonstrate that the proposed method produces meaningful clusters that cannot be achieved when disregarding differences in spatial and temporal dependence. The results for the socio-economic data set show that the proposed method is an effective and powerful tool for analyzing spatiotemporal patterns in a regional context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2026-2042
JournalInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • spatiotemporal data mining
  • self-organizing maps
  • dependence


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