Het didactiseren van bewuste taalvaardigheid in het grammaticaonderwijs: Grammaticale concepten ingebed in hun grammaticale en taalcontrastieve context

Gijs Leenders*, Max van Amstel, Rick de Graaff, Marjo van Koppen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Various contextualized and cross-linguistic approaches of grammar teaching have yielded significant transfer effects on both metalinguistic knowledge and proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the first and second languages. Nevertheless, a similar approach is absent in language teaching in the Netherlands, perpetuating the discrepancy between the intended, implemented, and attained objectives. This study endeavors to remedy this discrepancy by examining the effective characteristics of teaching materials promoting language awareness. To this end, a contextualized, cross-linguistic lesson series on the concept of ‘syntactical function’ was designed, target-ing pre-university students (aged 15–16) drawing from four design principles and an analysis of the Dutch, the English and the German language. Subse-quently, the lesson series underwent expert consultation, focus group interviews and various impact measurements, yielding a significant positive influence on students’ motivation and language awareness in all three languages. This underlines the potential value of teaching materials promoting language aware-ness.

Original languageDutch
Number of pages43
JournalDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2024


  • cross-linguistic grammar teaching
  • fixed occasion design
  • focus group interviews
  • language awareness
  • mixed methods approach
  • motivationeducational design research
  • multilevel modeling
  • SItuational Motivation Scale (SIMS)
  • switching replications design

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