Health goal priming as a situated intervention tool: how to benefit from nonconscious motivational routes to health behaviour

Esther K. Papies*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Recent research has shown the limited effects of intentions on behaviour, so that novel methods to facilitate behaviour change are needed that do not rely on conscious intentions. Here, it is argued that nonintentional effects on health behaviour, such as the effects of habits, impulses, and nonconscious goals, occur through the activation of cognitive structures by specific situations. Interventions should therefore be situated to change these effects, either by changing the critical cognitive structures (training interventions), or by changing which cognitive structures get activated (cueing interventions). The current article presents this framework for situated interventions, as well as examples of interventions of each type. Then, it introduces goal priming as a cueing intervention tool to activate health goals and thus facilitate healthier behaviour, even in tempting situations that typically activate short-term hedonic goals. Following a review of empirical evidence, five principles for the effective application of health goal primes are proposed, namely (1) to target individuals who value the primed goals, (2) by activating their specific motivation, (3) through effective cues (4) that attract attention at the right time. Finally, (5) an effective goal-directed behaviour needs to be known and accessible to the primed individual. These principles are illustrated with examples of different health behaviours in order to facilitate their application for successful behaviour change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)408-424
Number of pages17
JournalHealth Psychology Review
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2016


  • Behaviour change
  • intervention
  • nonconscious processes
  • nudging
  • priming
  • self-regulation


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