title = "Great War Shakespeare: Somewhere in France, 1914-1919",
abstract = "This paper explores the various ways in which the entente cordiale and the political alliance between France and England in 1914-1918 created a unique climate in which the reception of Shakespeare thrived on either side of the Channel. Studying a number of manifestations during the period, we learn that Shakespeare could be a national hero for the English, but at the same time also a supranational hero shared by the two nations. Tracing the ways in which England and France cherished their Shakespeare during the period, this paper also makes a case for exploring the long-neglected presence of Shakespeare in French popular culture. - Cet article explore les diff{\'e}rentes fa{\c c}ons dont l{\textquoteright}entente cordiale et l{\textquoteright}alliance politique entre la France et l{\textquoteright}Angleterre pendant la Premi{\`e}re Guerre Mondiale ont cr{\'e}{\'e} un climat favorable {\`a} la r{\'e}ception de Shakespeare des deux c{\^o}t{\'e}s de la Manche. L{\textquoteright}{\'e}tude de plusieurs manifestations culturelles pendant cette p{\'e}riode nous apprend que si Shakespeare {\'e}tait un h{\'e}ros national pour les Anglais, il a aussi pu incarner un h{\'e}ros supra-national commun aux deux nations. Il s{\textquoteright}agit donc d{\textquoteright}{\'e}tudier la pr{\'e}sence de Shakespeare dans la culture populaire non seulement en Angleterre mais aussi en France, domaine longtemps n{\'e}glig{\'e}.",
author = "A.J. Hoenselaars",
year = "2015",
doi = "10.4000/shakespeare.2960",
language = "English",
series = "Actes des congr{\`e}s de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} fran{\c c}aise Shakespeare",
publisher = "Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Fran{\c c}aise Shakespeare",
booktitle = "Shakespeare 450. Sous la direction de Dominique Goy-Blanquet",