Globex: wave dynamics on a gently sloping laboraty beach

B.G. Ruessink, H. Michallet, P. Bonneton, D. Mouaze, J. Lara, P.A. Silva, P. Wellens

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic


As waves approach the shore, non-linearity in their dynamics becomes increasingly important. Most of our
understanding of wave non-linearity has resulted from theoretical work, laboratory experiments and field studies on
beaches slopes steeper than about 1:40. Here, very strong non-linear processes happen locally and on a short time scale,
as demonstrated by narrow surf zones with plunging or collapsing breakers. The non-linearity on lower sloping
beaches, typical of high-energy dissipative environments, has a different character, as it can now build up over a long
period of time in a cross-shore extensive area. This second case of strong non-linearity is not well understood. This
contribution serves to introduce the GLOBEX project, during which a high-resolution (in space and time) data set of
the cross-shore evolution of short and infragravity waves was collected on a low-sloping (1:80) non-mobile laboratory
beach for a range of wave conditions. Various other presentations at the conference will build on this introductory
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings Coastal Dynamics 2013
Place of PublicationBordeaux, France
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • wave transformation
  • laboratory experiments
  • swash
  • boundary-layer dynamics
  • numerical modelling


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