Geomechanical and anisotropic acoustic properties of Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shales from Whitby (UK)

Alimzhan Zhubayev, Maartje Houben, David Smeulders, Auke Barnhoorn

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractOther research output


The Posidonia Shale Formation (PSF) is one of the possible resource shales for unconventional gas in Northern
Europe and currently is of great interest to hydrocarbon exploration and production. Due to low permeability of
shales, economically viable production requires hydraulic fracturing of the reservoir. The design of hydrofractures
requires an estimate of stress state within the reservoir and geomechanical properties such as Young’s modulus and
Poisson’s ratio.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberEGU2014-11246
JournalGeophysical Research Abstracts
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventEGU General Assembly 2014 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 27 Apr 20142 May 2014


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