Galaxy lens reconstruction based on strongly lensed gravitational waves: similarity transformation degeneracy and mass-sheet degeneracy

Jason S. C. Poon*, Stefano Rinaldi, Justin Janquart, Harsh Narola, Otto A. Hannuksela

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Gravitational wave (GW) galaxy lens reconstruction is a crucial step for many GW lensing science applications. However, dark siren GW lensing without observed electromagnetic (EM) counterpart suffers from similarity transformation and mass-sheet degeneracy. We review these two degeneracies and discuss their implications on GW-based lens reconstruction and two well-known GW lensing science cases: Hubble constant measurement and testing modified GW propagation. Building upon previous works, our conclusions are (1) GWs can only infer the scale-free lens model parameters, dimensionless source position, GW luminosity distance and time-delay scaling (a combination of Einstein radius, redshifts, and cosmology). (2) Lens reconstruction (of singular isothermal ellipsoid lens) with only two GW signals is unlikely to yield a complete lens model, while four (three) signals can measure all the above parameters accurately (with large uncertainties). (3) The similarity transformation degeneracy causes the redshifts/Einstein radius/cosmology to be degenerate in dark siren measurements. Breaking the degeneracy can be achieved by supplementing the GWs with EM observation of lens redshifts/Einstein radius (source redshift is not required). (4) The mass-sheet degeneracy causes the GW luminosity distance to be degenerate with a constant mass sheet. (5) Contrary to expectation, the Hubble constant is degenerate with the mass-sheet even when supplemented with EM counterpart and can only be lifted with lens galaxy velocity dispersion measurement, while modified GW propagation test is unaffected. These properties highlight the need for GW observations to be supplemented by EM observations, which could become accessible through a lens archival search or a rapid EM follow-up.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2212-2233
Number of pages22
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.


  • Cosmological parameters
  • Gravitational lensing: strong
  • Gravitational waves


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