From Attribute Grammars to Constraint Handling Rules

A. Serrano Mena, J. Hage

    Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


    Attribute grammars provide a framework to de ne compu-
    tations over trees, by decorating those trees with attributes. Attribute
    grammars have been successfully applied in many areas, including compiler
    construction and natural language processing. In this paper we present
    a translation of attribute grammars to Constraint Handling Rules, a
    formalism based on constraint rewriting.
    Our translation is able to express in a simple way several extensions to
    attribute grammars. Higher-order attributes are attributes whose value
    is again a tree, for which attributes can be computed recursively. Look-
    ahead enables attribute de nitions to depend not only on the current
    node, but also on the shape of its subtrees. Specialization provides a way
    to override the default computation of an attribute when some conditions
    are met; a natural way to de ne exceptions to the default tree processing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUtrecht
    PublisherUU BETA ICS Departement Informatica
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016

    Publication series

    NameUU Beta ICS Departement Informatica
    ISSN (Print)0924-3275


    • Attribute grammars
    • onstraint Handling Rules
    • Higher-order at- tribute grammars


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