Fixation classification: how to merge and select fixation candidates

Ignace T.C. Hooge*, Diederick C. Niehorster, Marcus Nyström, Richard Andersson, Roy S. Hessels

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Eye trackers are applied in many research fields (e.g., cognitive science, medicine, marketing research). To give meaning to the eye-tracking data, researchers have a broad choice of classification methods to extract various behaviors (e.g., saccade, blink, fixation) from the gaze signal. There is extensive literature about the different classification algorithms. Surprisingly, not much is known about the effect of fixation and saccade selection rules that are usually (implicitly) applied. We want to answer the following question: What is the impact of the selection-rule parameters (minimal saccade amplitude and minimal fixation duration) on the distribution of fixation durations? To answer this question, we used eye-tracking data with high and low quality and seven different classification algorithms. We conclude that selection rules play an important role in merging and selecting fixation candidates. For eye-tracking data with good-to-moderate precision (RMSD < 0.5), the classification algorithm of choice does not matter too much as long as it is sensitive enough and is followed by a rule that selects saccades with amplitudes larger than 1.0 and a rule that selects fixations with duration longer than 60 ms. Because of the importance of selection, researchers should always report whether they performed selection and the values of their parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2765-2776
Number of pages12
JournalBehavior Research Methods
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • Eye tracking
  • Fixation classification
  • Minimal fixation duration
  • Minimal saccade amplitude
  • Selection rules


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