Field excursion through the Rhine delta and Holland coastal plain: A populated coastal-deltaic plain under threat of sea-level rise

K.M. Cohen (Editor), K. Koster (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output


Field guide produced for iSLR2018 ECR conference Impacts of Sea-Level Rise-August 2018. Redaction: K.M. Cohen (UU), K. Koster (TNO-GSN). With contributions from: T. de Ridder (VLAK Vlaardingen), M.P. Hijma, P.C. Vos (Deltares), J. Huijzer (ADC), R. Isarin (Crevasse Advies), M.M. Sier, J.M. Moree (BOOR Rotterdam), A. Slangen (NIOZ), W.H.J. Toonen (KU Leuven), R. Barnett (U. Exeter). Text, 36 figures, references, logistic information.

Topics: Lek River and weir Hagestein; Polder Albasserwaard. UNESCO World Heritage site Kinderdijk. Rhine delta and Holland coastal plain geology, sea-level history, palaeogeography. Rotterdam delta city and harbour. Polder ‘De Vergulde Hand’, Vlaardingen [Main Stop: Impacts of relative sea-level rise in present developments, in (pre)historic times, over Holocene geological history. Storm surge barrier ‘Maeslantkering’ hard engineering. Mega-nourishment ‘Sand Engine’ soft engineering.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2018
EventImpact of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR): INQUA-PAGES Early Career Researcher workshop - De Uithof Science Campus, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 26 Aug 201829 Aug 2018


WorkshopImpact of sea-level rise from past to future (iSLR)
Abbreviated titleiSLR 2018
Internet address


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