Fibrations in semitoric and generalized complex geometry

Gil R. Cavalcanti, Ralph L. Klaasse, Aldo Witte

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This paper studies a class of singular fibrations, called self-crossing boundary fibrations, which play an important role in semitoric and generalized complex geometry. These singular fibrations can be conveniently described using the language of Lie algebroids. We will show how these fibrations arise from (nonfree) torus actions, and how to use them to construct and better understand self-crossing stable generalized complex four-manifolds. We moreover show that these fibrations are compatible with taking connected sums, and use this to prove a singularity trade result between two types of singularities occurring in these types of fibrations (a so-called nodal trade).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)645-685
Number of pages41
JournalCanadian Journal of Mathematics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2023


  • boundary Lefschetz fibration
  • elliptic symplectic structure
  • Generalized complex structure
  • Lie algebroid
  • semi-toric systems
  • toric geometry


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