Fibrations in semi-toric and generalized complex geometry

Gil R. Cavalcanti, Ralph L. Klaasse, Aldo Witte

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


This paper studies the interplay between self-crossing boundary Lefschetz fibrations and generalized complex structures. We show that these fibrations arise from the moment maps in semi-toric geometry and use them to construct self-crossing stable generalized complex four-manifolds using Gompf--Thurston methods for Lie algebroids. These results bring forth further structure on several previously known examples of generalized complex manifolds. We moreover show that these fibrations are compatible with taking connected sums, and use this to prove a singularity trade result between two types of singularities occurring in these fibrations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Dec 2020


  • Generalized complex geometry
  • Poisson structures
  • Singular fibrations
  • Lie algebroids
  • toric geometry


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