F-Theory on spin(7) manifolds: Weak-coupling limit

Federico Bonetti, Thomas W. Grimm, Eran Palti, Tom G. Pugh

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F-theory on appropriately fibered Spin(7) holonomy manifolds is defined to arise as the dual of M-theory on the same space in the limit of a shrinking fiber. A class of Spin(7) orbifolds can be constructed as quotients of elliptically fibered Calabi-yau fourfolds by an anti-holomorphic involution. The F-theory dual then exhibits one macroscopic dimension that has the topology of an interval. In this work we study the weak-coupling limit of a subclass of such constructions and identify the objects that arise in this limit. On the Type IIB side we find space-time filling O7-planes as well as O5-planes and orbifold five-planes with a (?1)FLfactor localised on the interval boundaries. These orbifold planes are referred to as X5-planes and are S-dual to a D5-O5 system. For other involutions exotic O3-planes and X3-planes on top of a six-dimensional orbifold singularity can appear. We show that the objects present preserve a mutual supersymmetry of four supercharges in the bulk of the interval and two supercharges on the boundary. It follows that in the infinite-interval and weak-coupling limit full four-dimensional ℕ = 1 supersymmetry is restored, which on the Type IIA side corresponds to an enhancement of supersymmetry by winding modes in the vanishing interval limit.

Original languageEnglish
Article number76
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014


  • F-Theory
  • M-Theory
  • Superstring vacua


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