Experimental realization and characterization of an electronic Lieb lattice

Marlou R Slot, Thomas S Gardenier, Peter H Jacobse, Guido C P van Miert, Sander N Kempkes, Stephan J M Zevenhuizen, Cristiane de Morais Smith, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh, Ingmar Swart

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Geometry, whether on the atomic or nanoscale, is a key factor for the electronic band structure of materials. Some specific geometries give rise to novel and potentially useful electronic bands. For example, a honeycomb lattice leads to Dirac-type bands where the charge carriers behave as massless particles [1]. Theoretical predictions are triggering the exploration of novel 2D geometries [2-10], such as graphynes, Kagomé and the Lieb lattice. The latter is the 2D analogue of the 3D lattice exhibited by perovskites [2]; it is a square-depleted lattice, which is characterised by a band structure featuring Dirac cones intersected by a flat band. Whereas photonic and cold-atom Lieb lattices have been demonstrated [11-17], an electronic equivalent in 2D is difficult to realize in an existing material. Here, we report an electronic Lieb lattice formed by the surface state electrons of Cu(111) confined by an array of CO molecules positioned with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Using scanning tunneling microscopy, spectroscopy and wave-function mapping, we confirm the predicted characteristic electronic structure of the Lieb lattice. The experimental findings are corroborated by muffin-tin and tight-binding calculations. At higher energies, second-order electronic patterns are observed, which are equivalent to a super-Lieb lattice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)672-676
Number of pages5
JournalNature Physics
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


  • Electronic properties and materials
  • Surface patterning
  • Two-dimensional materials


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