Exceptional Model Mining

Wouter Duivesteijn, Adrianus Feelders, Arno Knobbe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Finding subsets of a dataset that somehow deviate from the norm, i.e. where
    something interesting is going on, is a classical Data Mining task. In traditional local
    pattern mining methods, such deviations are measured in terms of a relatively high
    occurrence (frequent itemset mining), or an unusual distribution for one designated
    target attribute (common use of subgroup discovery). These, however, do not encompass
    all forms of “interesting”. To capture a more general notion of interestingness in
    subsets of a dataset, we develop Exceptional Model Mining (EMM). This is a supervised
    local pattern mining framework, where several target attributes are selected,
    and a model over these targets is chosen to be the target concept. Then, we strive
    to find subgroups: subsets of the dataset that can be described by a few conditions
    on single attributes. Such subgroups are deemed interesting when the model over the
    targets on the subgroup is substantially different from the model on the whole dataset.
    For instance, we can find subgroups where two target attributes have an unusual correlation,
    a classifier has a deviating predictive performance, or a Bayesian network
    fitted on several target attributes has an exceptional structure. We give an algorithmic solution for the EMM framework, and analyze its computational complexity.We also
    discuss some illustrative applications ofEMMinstances, including using the Bayesian
    network model to identify meteorological conditions under which food chains are displaced,
    and using a regression model to find the subset of households in the Chinese
    province of Hunan that do not follow the general economic law of demand.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-52
    Number of pages52
    JournalData Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2015


    • Exceptional Model Mining
    • Subgroup Discovery
    • Supervised Local Pattern Mining
    • Regression
    • Bayesian Networks


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