Exact solution of heat transport equation for a heterogeneous geothermal reservoir

S. Ganguly

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


An exact integral solution for transient temperature distribution, due to injection-production, in a heterogeneous porous confined geothermal reservoir, is presented in this paper. The heat transport processes taken into account are advection, longitudinal conduction and conduction to the confining rock layers due to the vertical temperature gradient. A quasi 2D heat transport equation in a semi-infinite porous media is solved using the Laplace transform. The internal heterogeneity of the geothermal reservoir is expressed by spatial variation of the flow velocity and the effective thermal conductivity of the medium. The model results predict the transient temperature distribution and thermal-front movement in a geothermal reservoir and the confining rocks. Another transient solution is also derived, assuming that longitudinal conduction in the geothermal aquifer is negligible. Steady-state solutions are presented, which determine the maximum penetration of the cold water thermal front into the geothermal aquifer.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2935
Number of pages19
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 27 Oct 2018


  • geothermal reservoirs
  • heat transport in porous media
  • thermal front
  • analytical modeling
  • Laplace transform
  • closed form solution


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