Evaluating the impact of climate communication activities by scientists: What is known and necessary?

Frances Wijnen, Madelijn Strick, Mark Bos, Erik van Sebille*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


Climate scientists and others are urged to communicate climate science in a way that non-scientific audiences can understand, that makes it more relevant to their lives and experiences, and that inspires them to act. To achieve this, climate scientists undertake a range of climate communication activities to engage people with climate change. With the effort and time spent on climate communication activities, comes the need to evaluate the outcomes, impact and effectiveness of such efforts. Here, we aimed to gain insight into the impact and effectiveness of climate communication efforts by scientists by conducting a systematic literature review. However, our most important finding is that there are hardly any studies in which climate communication activities by scientists are evaluated: we found only seven articles over the past ten years. We analyze these articles for the role of the scientists, the audiences reached and the reported outcomes and impact of the activities. We end our study with several recommendations that should be considered when setting up studies on evaluating the impact of climate communication activities by scientists.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2023


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