Eurotank Studies of Experimental Deepwater Sedimentology (EuroSEDS): Year 2 report

J.T. Eggenhuisen, J. de Leeuw, F. Pohl, Y.T. Spychala, M.C. Tilston, M. Heijnen, G. van der Grind, M.J.B. Cartigny

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The aim of the Eurotank Studies of Experimental Deepwater Sedimentology (EuroSEDS) is to elucidate the link between turbidity current processes and their deposits on the level of lithofacies (reservoir quality), facies tracts (reservoir heterogeneity) and architecture (reservoir architecture) by means of novel sandy turbidity current flume experiments. This Year 2 progress report presents a summary of the results and activities realized in the second year of the 4-year program, and an outlook towards Year 3. The report is organized into 3 Chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the activity of the EuroSEDS team in Year 2. Chapter 2 presents detailed technical analyses of research activities performed. Chapter 3 contains a description of the planned data acquisition activities for Year 3.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUU Dept. of Earth Sciences
Number of pages217
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


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