Ergodic properties of a parameterised family of symmetric golden maps: the matching phenomenon revisited

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic


We study a one-parameter family of interval maps $\{T_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in[1,\beta]}$, with $\beta$ the golden mean, defined on $[-1,1]$ by $T_\alpha(x)=\beta^{1+|t|}x-t\beta\alpha$ where $t\in\{-1,0,1\}$. For each $T_\alpha,\ \alpha>1$, we construct its unique, absolutely continuous invariant measure and show that on an open, dense subset of parameters $\alpha$, the corresponding density is a step function with finitely many jumps. We give an explicit description of the maximal intervals of parameters on which the density has at most the same number of jumps. A main tool in our analysis is the phenomenon of matching, where the orbits of the left and right limits of discontinuity points meet after a finite number of steps. Each $T_\alpha$ generates signed expansions of numbers in base $1/\beta$; via Birkhoff's ergodic theorem, the invariant measures are used to determine the asymptotic relative frequencies of digits in generic $T_\alpha$-expansions. In particular, the frequency of $0$ is shown to vary continuously as a function of $\alpha$ and to attain its maximum $3/4$ on the maximal interval $[1/2+1/\beta,1+1/\beta^2]$.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2023


  • math.DS
  • 37E05 (Primary) 28D05, 37A05 (Secondary)


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