Emission database for global atmospheric research (EDGAR)

J.G.J. Olivier, A.F. Bouwman, C.W.M. Van der Maas, J.M. Berdowski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Atmospheric chemistry and climate modellers require gridded global emissions data as input into their models. To meet this urgent need a global emissions source database called EDGAR is being developed by TNO and RIVM to estimate for 1990, on a regional and on a grid basis, annual emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, NO(x), non-methane VOC, SO(x)), of NH3, and of ozone depleting compounds (halocarbans) from all known sources. The aim is to establish at due levels of spatial, temporal and source aggregation the emissions from both anthropogenic and biogenic sources: a complete set of data required to estimate the total source strength of the various gases with a 1x1° resolution (altitude resolution of 1 km) and a temporal resolution of a month, supplemented by diurnal variation, as agreed upon in the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) of the International Atmospheric Chemistry Programme (IGAC) In this way EDGAR will meet the requirements of present and future developments in the field of atmospheric modelling. The data comprise demographic data, social and economic factors, land use distributions and emission factors (with due emphasis on the uncertainty). As understanding in this field is still changing, due attention is paid to flexibility regarding the disaggregatian of sources, spatial and temporal resolution and species. The objective and methodology chosen for the construction of the database and the structural design of the database system arc presented, as well as the type and sources of data and the approach used for data collection. As an example, the construction of the N2O inventory is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-106
Number of pages14
JournalEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 1994


  • ammonia
  • carbon dioxide
  • carbon monoxide
  • halocarbon
  • methane
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • nitrous oxide
  • ozone
  • sulfur oxide
  • volatile organic compound
  • air monitoring
  • air pollution
  • circadian rhythm
  • climate
  • conference paper
  • data base
  • demography
  • economic aspect
  • greenhouse effect
  • land use
  • social aspect


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