Electric and heat transport in a charge two-channel Kondo device

G. A. R. van Dalum, A. K. Mitchell, L. Fritz

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Motivated by the experimental realization of a multi-channel charge Kondo device [Iftikhar et al., Nature 526, 233 (2015)], we study generic charge and heat transport properties of the charge two-channel Kondo model. We present a comprehensive discussion of the out-of-equilibrium and time-dependent charge transport, as well as thermal transport within linear response theory. The transport properties are calculated at, and also in the vicinity of, the exactly solvable Emery-Kivelson point, which has the form of a Majorana fermion resonant level model. We focus on regimes where our solution gives exact results for the physical quantum dot device, and highlight new predictions relevant to future experiments.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Article number205137
Pages (from-to)1-42
JournalPhysical Review B
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2020

Bibliographical note

57 pages, 8 figures

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