Dynamics in cytokine responses during the development of occupational sensitization to rats.

E.J.M. Krop, M.A. van de Polinder, R. Lutter, D.J.J. Heederik, R.C. Aalberse, J.S. van der Zee

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    BACKGROUND: Occupational allergy forms an attractive model to study the development of allergic responses, as in some occupations it has a high incidence and develops quickly. In a cohort of starting laboratory animal workers, we previously found 20% sensitization to animal allergens within 2 years. METHODS: We compared cellular responses of incident laboratory animal workers who developed rat-specific sensitization (cases, n = 18) during 2 years of follow-up to control animal workers matched for atopic status but without sensitization after follow-up (controls, n = 18). Practically, this is a case-control study, nested within the cohort. Rat-specific IgE antibodies were measured in sera, and allergen-specific and nonspecific cytokine responses were measured in whole blood and in isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. RESULTS: Self-reported allergic symptoms were related to the presence of rat-specific IgE (P ≤ 0.01). Cases developed a rat allergen-specific interleukin (IL)-4 response during sensitization, while controls did not show an increased IL-4 response (at visit D: 33 vs 5 IL-4 producing cells/10(6) cells, P 
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1227-1233
    Number of pages7
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


    • IgE
    • IL-4
    • laboratory animal allergy
    • occupational allergy
    • Th2 responses


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