Dynamic Causality

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


There have been a number of attempts to develop a formal definition of causality that accords with our intuitions about what constitutes a cause. Perhaps the best known is the “modified” definition of actual causality, HPm, due to Halpern. In this paper, we argue that HPm gives counterintuitive results for some simple causal models. We propose Dynamic Causality (DC), an alternative semantics for causal models that leads to an alternative definition of causes. DC ascribes the same causes as HPm on the examples of causal models widely discussed in the literature and ascribes intuitive causes for the kinds of causal models we consider. Moreover, we show that the complexity of determining a cause under the DC definition is lower than for the HPm definition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationECAI 2023 - 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems, PAIS 2023 - Proceedings
EditorsKobi Gal, Kobi Gal, Ann Nowe, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Roy Fairstein, Roxana Radulescu
PublisherIOS Press
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9781643684369
ISBN (Print)978-1-64368-436-9
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2023

Publication series

NameFrontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ISSN (Print)0922-6389

Bibliographical note

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© 2023 The Authors.


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