Dual-Wavelength Lasing in Quantum-Dot Plasmonic Lattice Lasers

Jan M. Winkler, Max J. Ruckriegel, Henar Rojo, Robert C. Keitel, Eva De Leo, Freddy T. Rabouw, David J. Norris*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Arrays of metallic particles patterned on a substrate have emerged as a promising design for on-chip plasmonic lasers. In past examples of such devices, the periodic particles provided feedback at a single resonance wavelength, and organic dye molecules were used as the gain material. Here, we introduce a flexible template-based fabrication method that allows a broader design space for Ag particle-array lasers. Instead of dye molecules, we integrate colloidal quantum dots (QDs), which offer better photostability and wavelength tunability. Our fabrication approach also allows us to easily adjust the refractive index of the substrate and the QD-film thickness. Exploiting these capabilities, we demonstrate not only single-wavelength lasing but dual-wavelength lasing via two distinct strategies. First, by using particle arrays with rectangular lattice symmetries, we obtain feedback from two orthogonal directions. The two output wavelengths from this laser can be selected individually using a linear polarizer. Second, by adjusting the QD-film thickness, we use higher-order transverse waveguide modes in the QD film to obtain dual-wavelength lasing at normal and off-normal angles from a symmetric square array. We thus show that our approach offers various design possibilities to tune the laser output.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5223-5232
Number of pages10
JournalACS Nano
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • colloidal quantum dots
  • dual-wavelength laser
  • nanolaser
  • plasmonics
  • polarization
  • surface lattice resonances
  • template stripping


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