Double trouble: Restrained eaters do not eat less and feel worse

J.C. De Witt Huberts, C. Evers, D.T.D. De Ridder

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Objective: While high levels of dietary restraint do not appear to reflect actual caloric restraint, it has been found to be a risk factor for a wide array of maladaptive eating patterns. These findings raise the question what, if not caloric restriction, dietary restraint entails. We propose that the very finding that restrained eaters do not eat less than they intend to do can provide an answer. Based on this disparity between the intention to restrain oneself and actual behaviour, we therefore hypothesised that high levels of restraint are associated with eating-related guilt.

Method: Three studies (N = 148) using unobtrusive measures of food intake; different restraint scales; and different measures of guilt tested whether restraint is related to eating-related guilt.

Results: Results indicated that restraint was not associated with food intake, but instead was associated with increased levels of guilt after eating. Guilt was explicitly related to food intake. Moreover, the observed guilt could not be attributed to a general increase in negative affect.

Conclusion: The results of these studies suggest that restraint is not an indicator of actual restricted food intake, but rather a reflection concerns about food and eating manifested in eating-related guilt.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)686-700
JournalPsychology & health
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • restraint eating
  • maladaptive eating patterns
  • guilt
  • food intake
  • dietary restraint


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