Does visuospatial neglect contribute to standing balance within the first 12 weeks post-stroke? A prospective longitudinal cohort study

Elissa Embrechts*, Jonas Schröder, Tanja C.W. Nijboer, Charlotte van der Waal, Christophe Lafosse, Steven Truijen, Wim Saeys

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Background: Visuospatial neglect (VSN) has been suggested to limit standing balance improvement post-stroke. However, studies investigating this association longitudinally by means of repeated within-subject measurements early post-stroke are lacking. This prospective longitudinal cohort study evaluates the longitudinal association of egocentric and allocentric VSN severity with 1) standing balance independence and 2) postural control and weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) during quiet standing, in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Methods: Thirty-six hemiplegic individuals after a first-ever unilateral stroke were evaluated at weeks 3, 5, 8 and 12 post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN severity were evaluated using the Broken Hearts Test. The standing unperturbed item of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS-s) was used to clinically evaluate standing independence. Posturographic measures included measures of postural control (mediolateral (ML)/anteroposterior (AP) net center-of-pressure velocities (COPvel)) and WBA during quiet standing. A linear mixed model was used to examine longitudinal associations between egocentric and allocentric VSN, and BBS-s, COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA within the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Results: Egocentric (β = -0.08, 95%CI[-0.15;-0.01], P =.029) and allocentric VSN severity (β = -0.09, 95%CI[-0.15; -0.04], P =.002) were significant independent factors for BBS-s scores in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN were no significant independent factors for COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Conclusions: Allocentric and egocentric VSN severity were significantly associated with decreased standing independence, but not impaired postural control or greater asymmetric weight-bearing, in the early subacute post-stroke phase. This may involve traditional VSN measures being not sensitive enough to detect fine-grained VSN deficits due to a ceiling effect between 5 and 8 weeks post-stroke, once the individual regains standing ability. Future studies may require more sensitive VSN measurements to detect such deficits. Trial registration unique identifier NCT05060458.

Original languageEnglish
Article number37
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalBMC Neurology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2024


  • Longitudinal study
  • Postural Control
  • Posturography
  • Standing balance
  • Stroke
  • Visuospatial neglect


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