- Do we need vision? The effects of visual impairment on the development of the cognitive system

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2011
EventInternational symposium at the ESCOP 2011 (Speakers: Struiksma, Amedi, Postma, Renier and Vecchi). - San Sebastian, Spanje
Duration: 29 Sept 20112 Oct 2012


ConferenceInternational symposium at the ESCOP 2011 (Speakers: Struiksma, Amedi, Postma, Renier and Vecchi).
CitySan Sebastian, Spanje

Bibliographical note

International symposium at the ESCOP 2011 (Speakers: Struiksma, Amedi, Postma, Renier and Vecchi).


  • Psychologie (PSYC)

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