Discovery and analysis of topographic features using learning algorithms: A seamount case-study

Andrew Valentine, L.M. Kalnins, Jeannot Trampert

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


In order to analyse the incidence and characteristics of geomorphological features, it is first necessary to identify and catalogue them. This process is typically reasonably straightforward "by eye", but difficult to automate---simple models fail to match the complexity of real structures. We demonstrate that a particular class of learning algorithm, the "autoencoder", is able to assimilate the characteristics of a small hand-picked catalogue. This can then be used for large-scale classification. In particular, we focus on the problem of identifying seamounts in bathymetric data.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014
EventNAC 12 - NH conference centre Koningshof, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, Netherlands
Duration: 8 Apr 20149 Apr 2014


ConferenceNAC 12
CityVeldhoven, the Netherlands


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