Discourse rules: On the effects of clause order principles on the reading process

J. Evers-Vermeul, M.C.J. Scholman, L. Blything, K. Cain, J. Hoek

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


Three ordering principles are relevant to the clause order within complex sentences: iconicity (chronological vs. reverse order), frame structure (main clause - subordinate clause or vice versa), and information structure(given-new vs. new-given). In an eye-tracking experiment among 80 adults, we investigated the effect of these ordering principles on the reading process. No single ordering principle facilitated reading irrespective of the other two ordering principles. Rather, readers were sensitive to specific combinations of the ordering principles.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventMaking Sense of Discourse - Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 20 Sept 201821 Sept 2018


WorkshopMaking Sense of Discourse


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