Design end development of a learning environment for computational thinking: The Erasmus+ project

Gregor Milicic*, Sylvia van Borkulo, Janka Medova, Sina Wetzel, Matthias Ludwig

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


The digital transformation has affected us and our daily lives in the last years in ways we could not have imagined. Although the generation of digital natives is exposed to modern technology excessively and often uses it, they do not automatically develop sophisticated digital competencies. However, as a consequence of the digital transformation, the development of so-called 21st century skills and competencies is crucial for the participation in a rapid changing world and job market. Computational Thinking (CT) is one of those skills and often described as a way of solving problems using principles and methods originating from computer science. One of the core aspects is the formulation of a solution to a given problem in a form that is easily readable for other humans or a machine, e.g. in the form of an algorithm. Even though various approaches of embedding CT in formal education all over Europe exist, there are still many open problems. The availability of related technology, such as hardware devices, varies considerably, making the teaching of digital skills difficult or even impossible. Moreover, the socioeconomic status of students is unfortunately a strong predictor for their CT related skills. Thus, a digital divide can be observed. But even with appropriate hardware and tools at hand, the successful implementation of CT in the curricula requires support for in-service teachers. Trainings and materials should be provided to offer them the possibility to learn about and deepen their understanding of CT. A platform to share best practice examples amongst peers would also present the opportunity of creating a corresponding community. Within the Erasmus+ project “Computational Thinking Learning Environment for Teachers in Europe” (<colette/>, project duration: 2020-2023), seven organisations from five different countries (Germany, Slovakia, Netherlands, France, Austria) aim to address those needs, i.e. access to corresponding technology, support for in-service teachers as well as a community to share best practices. This goal will be realised by designing and developing a learning environment to foster CT, which does not require additional or expensive hardware devices. Thus, its use is independent from the students’ or schools’ socioeconomic background. Following a Bring-Your-Own-Device-approach, the students will be able to solve assigned tasks in a free of charge app on their own mobile device. So-called generic tasks will provide teachers with examples fostering the different aspects of CT. The learning environment will therefore offer a low-threshold approach for both teachers and students to engage in CT. In this article, we describe the underlying design principles of the learning environment. We present task formats which will be included in the learning environment aiming at different levels and aspects of CT. Augmented Reality as a new and motivating technology is used in some of those tasks, especially those targeting algorithmic thinking.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of EDULEARN21 Conference
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventEDULEARN21: 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies -
Duration: 5 Jul 20216 Jul 2021


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  • computational thinking
  • algorithms
  • augmented reality
  • learning environments
  • erasmus+


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