Delivery of organics to Mars through asteroid and comet impacts

Kateryna Frantseva*, Michael Mueller, Inge Loes ten Kate, Floris F.S. van der Tak, Sarah Greenstreet

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Given rapid photodissociation and photodegradation, the recently discovered organics in the Martian subsurface and atmosphere were probably delivered in geologically recent times. Possible parent bodies are C-type asteroids, comets, and interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). The dust infall rate was estimated, using different methods, to be between 0.71 and 2.96 × 106 kg/yr (Nesvorny et al., 2011; Borin et al., 2017; Crismani et al., 2017); assuming a carbon content of 10% (Flynn, 1996), this implies an IDP carbon flux of 0.07−0.3×106 kg/yr. We calculate for the first time the carbon flux from impacts of asteroids and comets. To this end, we perform dynamical simulations of impact rates on Mars. We use the N-body integrator RMVS/Swifter to propagate the Sun and the eight planets from their current positions. We separately add comets and asteroids to the simulations as massless test particles, based on their current orbital elements, yielding Mars impact rates of 4.34×10−3 comets/Myr and 3.3 asteroids/Myr. We estimate the delivered amount of carbon using published carbon content values. In asteroids, only C types contain appreciable amounts of carbon. Given the absence of direct taxonomic information on the Mars impactors, we base ourselves on the measured distribution of taxonomic types in combination with dynamic models of the origin of Mars-crossing asteroids. We estimate the global carbon flux on Mars from cometary impacts to be ∼ 0.013 × 106 kg/yr within an order of magnitude, while asteroids deliver ∼ 0.05 × 106 kg/yr. These values correspond to ∼4−19% and ∼17−71%, respectively, of the IDP-borne carbon flux estimated by Nesvorny et al., Borin et al. and Crismani et al. Unlike the spatially homogeneous IDP infall, impact ejecta are distributed locally, concentrated around the impact site. We find organics from asteroids and comets to dominate over IDP-borne organics at distances up to 150 km from the crater center. Our results may be important for the interpretation of in situ detections of organics on Mars.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-133
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2018


  • Asteroids, dynamics
  • Astrobiology
  • Comets, dynamics
  • Cratering
  • Mars, surface


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