De Syntactische Atlas van de Nederlandse Dialecten

S. Barbiers

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This paper discusses the design, methodology and results of the project
Syntactic Atlas of the Dutch Dialects (SAND) that was carried out between
2000 and 2004. The project involved data collection, description
and analysis of the syntactic variation in 267 dialects of Dutch spoken in
the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern-France. The results so far include:
(i) the research tooI DynaSAND, a linguistically enriched on-line database
with search engine and cartographic tooI to visualize the geographic
distribution of syntactic variables; (ii) a two-volume printed atlas SAND;
Volume 1 gives an overview of the syntactic variation in the left periphery of
the clause, subject pronouns and subject agreement, reflexive systems and fronting;
Volume 2 concerns variation in the verbal system and negation; (iii) four
dissertations dealing with specific syntactic phenomena in the Dutch dialects,
i.e. ellipsis (Van Craenenbroeck), first conjuct and complementizer agreement
(Van Koppen), negation (Zeijlstra) and subject pronouns and agreement (De
Vogelaer). The paper ends with a section on prospects for future research in
syntactic microvariation. The bibliography contains all the publications that
came out ofthe SAND project.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)7-40
Number of pages34
JournalTaal en tongval. Themanummer
Publication statusPublished - 2005

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