Day-ahead Scheduling in a Local Electricity Market

A.A.S. De La Nieta, M. Gibescu

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Local electricity markets offer new trading opportunities for existing and emerging actors in the energy sector. In this study, a mathematical model is created for the hourly scheduling of a day-ahead local electricity market. The local electricity market has local producers and consumers and a connection with a retailer. The local resources considered are solar PV production, and an energy storage system. Therefore, the local electricity market has local resources, the inflexible and flexible residential loads, and the connection to the distribution network. This connection is used for buying energy from the wholesale market through a retailer. For evaluating the feasibility of the scheduling in a local energy market, an optimization model is proposed in this study to maximize the operational profits from the local electricity market, which is managed by an energy service company (ESCO). There are revenues from selling the energy to all residential loads, while the costs come from buying the electricity and managing all the local resources. A case study illustrates the energy profiles of all the resources managed, which have an impact on revenues and costs of the local market. From the case study, we draw some practical conclusions about the impact of local resources on the local electricity market. © 2019 IEEE.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2019 - Porto, Portugal
Duration: 9 Sept 201911 Sept 2019


Conference2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2019


  • energy storage system
  • local electricity market
  • prosumers
  • PV production
  • renewable energy sources
  • residential loads


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