Current-induced vortex dynamics in Josephson-junction arrays: Imaging experiments and model simulations

S.G. Lachenmann, T. Doderer, R.P. Huebener, T.J. Hagenaars, J.E.J.M. Himbergen, P. Tiesinga

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We study the dynamics of current-biased Josephson-junction arrays with a magnetic penetration depth λ⊥ smaller than the lattice spacing. We compare the dynamics imaged by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy to the vortex dynamics obtained from model calculations based on the resistively shunted junction model, in combination with Maxwell’s equations. We find three bias current regions with fundamentally different array dynamics. The first region is the subcritical region, i.e., below the array critical current Ic. The second, for currents I above Ic, is a “vortex region,” in which the response is determined by the vortex degrees of freedom. In this region, the dynamics is characterized by spatial domains where vortices and antivortices move across the array in opposite directions in adjacent rows and by transverse voltage fluctuations. In the third, for still higher currents, the dynamics is dominated by coherent-phase motion, and the current-voltage characteristics are linear.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5564-5571
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical review. B, condensed matter
Publication statusPublished - 1997


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