Crowd-centric requirements engineering: A method based on crowdsourcing and gamification

Remco Snijders, Özüm Atilla, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Sjaak Brinkkemper

    Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


    Requirements Engineering (RE) is an essential process in the continuous development of software
    products. User involvement has a large potential for improving the quality of RE and thereby the
    quality of software. Shortcomings of current RE methods and threats in the complex environment
    of Software Product Organizations (SPO) trigger the need for an innovative method.
    Crowdsourcing and gamification are two emerging trends that provide opportunities to overcome
    the shortcomings and threats. In this thesis, the Crowd-Centric Requirements Engineering (CCRE)
    method, which guides SPOs in involving all stakeholders in the RE process, is described. A
    prototype, Refine, is built to demonstrate the method. Although some obstacles to large-scale
    adoption exist, the evaluation of this demonstration shows that CCRE can provide a useful
    process, useful requirements, engaged stakeholders and valuable interaction among those
    stakeholders. Through these aspects, the method has shown potential to improve requirements
    engineering in software production.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUtrecht
    PublisherUU BETA ICS Departement Informatica
    Number of pages139
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    Publication series

    NameTechnical Report Series
    PublisherUU Beta ICS Departement Informatica
    ISSN (Print)0924-3275


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