Crosslinguistic differences on the Present Perfect Puzzle: An experimental approach

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In this paper, we analyze how different temporal and referential properties of past-referring adverbials – specifically, hodiernality and deixis – are partially responsible for the crosslinguistic distribution of PAST and PERFECT markers across Dutch, Spanish, and English. To that end, we conducted an acceptability judgment task, where 160 subjects per language rated context-sentence pairs that display either a PAST or a PERFECT marker, and a temporal adverbial that is: (i) either temporally close to or temporally far from the speech time, and (ii), either deictic or not deictic. Results show that: (a) Dutch allows for its PERFECT marker to combine with any past-referring temporal adverbial, (b) Spanish only allows its PERFECT marker to combine with adverbials that locate the event temporally close to speech time, regardless of deixis, and (iii) that English prefers its PAST marker in all past-referring situations, but allows its PERFECT to combine with adverbials that are both deictic and temporally close to speech time, particularly when the adverb specifies an interval that is included in the day of utterance (e.g., this morning), as opposed to adverbs that describe an interval that includes it (e.g., this month).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-71
JournalExperiments in Linguistic Meaning
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jan 2023


  • Perfect
  • Past
  • grammatical aspect
  • temporal adverbials
  • deixis
  • hodiernality
  • acceptability judgments


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