Coupling Modelling and Experiments to Analyse Leaf Photosynthesis Under Far-Red Light

Tinko B. Jans*, Leon Mossink, Maarten Wassenaar, Emilie Wientjes, Steven Driever, Martina Huber, Ronald Pierik, Hugo J. de Boer*

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Leaf photosynthesis models are used extensively in photosynthesis research and are embedded in many larger scale models. Typical photosynthesis models simplify light intensity as the integrated intensity over the 400–700 nm waveband (photosynthetic active radiation, PAR). However, far-red light (700–750 nm, FR) also drives photosynthesis when supplied in addition to light within the PAR spectrum. Currently, it is unknown how much far-red light contributes to carbon assimilation under various spectral light conditions. We developed a combined experimental and computational method to quantify FR stimulation. Gas-exchange parameters and incident light spectra were measured simultaneously and analysed with wavelength-dependent modelling of light harvesting. Hereto, separate excitation of Photosystem I and Photosystem II was calculated from incident light spectra. The effect of FR supplementation on photosynthesis was subsequently modelled and expressed as a single parameter ρ. We tested our method on Solanum dulcamara, Lactuca sativa and Phaseolus vulgaris under various light conditions. Results show consistent ρ-values across a range of FR levels. Our method provides an approach to consistently quantify the effect of FR stimulation on photosynthesis and harmonise the interpretation of photosynthesis measurements under different light regimes, for example in (experimental) setups with artificial FR supplementation or in canopies.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPlant, Cell and Environment
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s). Plant, Cell & Environment published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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