Content and Language Integrated Learning in Dutch bilingual education: How Dutch history teachers focus on second language teaching

Huub Oattes, Ron J. Oostdam, H.C.J. de Graaff, Ruben G. Fukkink, Arie Wilschut

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This small-scale observational study explores how Dutch bilingual education history teachers (BHTs) focus on the L2 component in their CLIL-lessons. We observed and rated eight BHTs on five language teaching categories. Results show that Dutch BHTs focus more strongly on using the L2 to teach subject content and that they tend to be less engaged in teaching specific second language topics, such as focus on form or language learning strategies. Further results and suggestions for improving the BHTs’ L2 focus are discussed together with a plea for a CLIL definition that is more in line with the everyday reality of the CLIL classroom.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)156-176
Number of pages21
JournalDuJAL - Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


  • bilingual education history teachers
  • CLIL
  • focus on form
  • focus on meaning
  • second language pedagogy and subject specific language


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