Concurrent normals of immersed manifolds

Dirk Siersma, Gaiane Yu Panina

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


It is conjectured since long that for any convex body K ⊂ Rn there exists a point in the interior of K which belongs to at least 2n normals from different points on the boundary of K. The conjecture is known to be true for n = 2, 3, 4. Motivated by a recent results of Y. Martinez-Maure, and an approach by A. Grebennikov and G. Panina, we prove the following: Let a compact smooth m-dimensional manifold Mm be immersed in Rn. We assume that at least one of the homology groups Hk (Mm, Z2) with k < m vanishes. Then under mild conditions, almost every normal line to Mm contains an intersection point of at least β + 4 normals from different points of Mm, where β is the sum of Betti numbers of Mm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-8
Number of pages8
JournalCommunications in Mathematics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • bifurcation
  • Concurrent normals
  • focal sets
  • Morse-Cerf theory
  • tight and taut immersions Contact information


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