Conclusion: Policy Implications of ESG–Agency Research and Reflections on the Road Ahead: Agency in Earth System Governance

Andrea K. Gerlak, Michele M. Betsill, James J. Patterson, Sander Chan, Tabitha M. Benney, Marie-Claire Brisbois, Thomas R. Eimer, Michelle Scobie

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


− The role of the state as an agent of earth system governance has become more complex, contingent, and interdependent. − Although participatory and collaborative processes have contributed to more effective, equitable, and legitimate environmental governance outcomes in some instances, analyses of these processes should be situated within a broader governance perspective, which recasts questions of policy change around questions of power and justice. −The complexity and normative aspects of agency in earth system governance requires new forms of policy evaluation that account for social impacts and the ability of governance systems to adapt. − Many of the core analytical concepts in ESG–Agency scholarship, such as agency, power, authority, and accountability, remain under-theorized. In addition, some types of actors, including women, labor, non-human agents, those who work against earth system governance, and many voices from the Global South, remain largely hidden. − ESG–Agency scholars need to develop research projects and collaborations in understudied regions while also recruiting and supporting scholars in those regions to engage with this research agenda.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAgency in Earth System Governance
EditorsAndrea K. Gerlak, Michele M. Betsill, Tabitha M. Benney
Place of PublicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9781108484053
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Power
  • authority
  • policy process
  • Global South
  • collaboration
  • participation
  • transdisciplinary


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