Computer-supported Coaching of Daily Relaxation Exercises: Two pilot studies

Rogier van Eijk

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractOther research output


    Objectives: Relaxation training can help people in dealing with stress-related issues. However, a regular practice is not easily established. Our aim is to build (semi-)automated e-coaching systems that support people in incorporating daily relaxation exercises into their lives.
    Methods: A model of e-coaching is developed that is rooted in existing models of behavior change. According to the model relaxation exercises are (i) triggered to be performed, (ii) simplified and adapted to personal circumstances and (iii) motivated by immediate and anticipated effects.
    Based on the model two computer-assisted e-coaching systems have been developed: a short-message-service (SMS4Healthy-Living) and a web-based mobile service (Calmergize) that support people in doing daily relaxation exercises. These systems give instructions for simple (i.e., 30-second, easy-to-do) yoga-based relaxation exercises, trigger their performance (e.g., "do it now!"), send reminders (e.g., "have you done it?"), and support motivation (e.g., "well done!", "how do you feel?").
    Each system was tested in a 3-week pilot study (n=10 and n=18, respectively) with people with a general interest in attaining a more healthy lifestyle.
    Results: The pilot studies suggest that (i) triggers are essential: When they are omitted the exercises are typically not performed. Reminders are also used by people as triggers. (ii) Easy-to-do 30-second exercises are simple enough for inexperienced people to do on a daily basis. (iii) Despite the simplicity of the exercises people already experience positive effects from doing them.
    Conclusions: These initial findings indicate that triggering, adaptation and motivation support can be valuable tools in the computer-assisted coaching of relaxation training.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2014
    Event35TH STAR International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Duration: 2 Jul 20144 Jul 2014


    Conference35TH STAR International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society


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