Collecting Data among Ethnic Minorities in an International Perspective

R.C.W. Feskens, J.J. Hox, G.J.L.M. Lensvelt-Mulders, J.J.G. Schmeets

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This article examines strategies to reduce nonresponse rates among ethnic minorities. The authors review nonresponse rates and data collection strategies among ethnic minorities with respect to response rates and response bias in six European countries. The national statistical institutes of these six countries use different definitions of ethnic minorities. This is why the definitions of ethnic minorities and their impact on the number of members of ethnic minorities in the six countries are compared. Nonresponse rates are usually higher among ethnic minorities than among the native population. Dissecting the nonresponse phenomenon shows that contact rates among ethnic minorities are lower, nonresponse due to an inability to produce the required information is higher, and cooperation rates are higher among ethnic minorities than among the native population. Increasing the response rates among ethnic minorities should focus on enhancing the contact rate and reducing the number of nonrespondents who are unable to produce the required information. Keywords: nonresponse reduction; tailored strategies; ethnic minorities
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)284-305
Number of pages21
JournalField Methods
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2006

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