Cognitive bias modification and cognitive control training in addiction and related psychopathology: mechanisms, clinical perspectives and ways forward

R.W. Wiers, T.E. Gladwin, W. Hofmann, E. Salemink, K.R. Ridderinkhof

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The past decade has witnessed a surge in research on training paradigms aimed at directly influencing cognitive processes in addiction and other psychopathology. Broadly, two avenues have been explored: In the first, the aim was to change maladaptive cognitive motivational biases (cognitive bias modification); in the second, the aim was to increase general control processes (e.g., working memory capacity). These approaches are consistent with a dual-process perspective in which psychopathology is related to a combination of disorder-specific impulsive processes and weak general abilities to control these impulses in view of reflective longer-term considerations. After reviewing the evidence for dual-process models in addiction, we discuss a number of critical issues, along with suggestions for further research. We argue that theoretical advancement, along with a better understanding of the underlying neurocognitive processes, is crucial for adequately responding to recent criticisms on dual-process models and for optimizing training paradigms for use in clinical practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-212
JournalClinical Psychological Science
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


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