Children’s comprehension of plural predicate conjunction

Lyn Tieu, Jacopo Romoli, E.B. Poortman, Y.S. Vinter Seggev, Stephen Crain

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Previous developmental studies of conjunction have focused on the syntax of phrasal and sentential coordination (Lust, 1977; de Villiers, Tager-Flusberg & Hakuta, 1977; Bloom, Lahey, Hood, Lifter & Fiess, 1980, among others). The present study examined the flexibility of children's interpretation of conjunction. Specifically, when two predicates that can apply simultaneously to a single individual are conjoined in the scope of a plural definite (The bears are big and white), conjunction receives a Boolean, intersective interpretation. However, when the conjoined predicates cannot apply simultaneously to an individual (The bears are big and small), conjunction receives a weaker ‘split’ interpretation (Krifka, 1990; Lasersohn, 1995; Winter, 1996). Our experiments reveal that preschool-aged children are sensitive to both intersective and split interpretations, and can use their lexical and world knowledge of the relevant predicates in order to select an appropriate reading.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)242-259
JournalJournal of Child Language
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


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